Saturday, August 6, 2011

May Sessions

Allison and Wesley - Married in Lawrenceville, GA - Sweetest couple, they had so much fun on their wedding day.

Maddy - 2011 Senior at Skipstone - I have known Maddy's family for years and they are a truly amazing! She is headed to Toccoa, GA for collage this Fall, she will do so great!

Lauren-Ashely CD Release show - I photographed Lauren earlier in 2011 for her album cover and she asked me to come out and get some shots at her big CD release. She is amazing and I wish her all the best in this musical adventure.

Claudia and Barry Wedding- Senoia, GA - High School Sweethearts that found each other again after many years.

Synergy Salon - Griffin, GA

Noah Robertson is 1 Year Old and his brother came along and shared some time in front of the camera with him.

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